Saturday, June 3, 2006

DC is awesome, but barbri SUCKS

I have now been an official Washingtonian for an entire week. Here are the highlights of the past week:
- I got a gig waitressing at a nice little joint on the Hill. The staff is so fun and already I've made a few friends there. So far, it's been a pretty cool crowd that comes in and I've met a few interesting folks so far. It's gonna be a fun summer there, I can tell already.
- I started studying for the bar. Sucks. I'm supposed to be studying 6 to 9 hours a day after my four hour classes, but I can't stand it. Secured transactions, commercial paper - who gives a shit?!?!?!? I'm supposed to be studying now, 12:30 on a Friday night in DC. Instead I'm blogging. Productive, I know. The good news is there's no DC law on the DC bar. Instead, it's all multi-state general law. Phew.
- Douglas is adjusting to city life very well. He has realized that the tiny little front yard is part of HIS territory and, accordingly, is terrorizing the neighborhood by barking and growling at anyone who has the nerve to walk by on the sidewalk. It's actually pretty funny.
- I have mastered the metro in less than a week. My commute to my bar classes is an hour and a half. I could probably get there quicker by driving, but I'm still afraid to drive in DC. I have ventured down to Arlington twice so far to hit up Target, and both times I missed the exit on the way home and ended up in Maryland or a potentially dangerous part of DC. However, since I still don't have any idea where I am at any given point in time, everywhere in DC is potentially dangerous.
- My roommate is awesome. She's been really good about showing me around, and what's more, she loves Dougie. It's cool because I haven't been around much between work and the bar, and she's been taking him for walks and even picking up his shit outside. She rocks!!! Also, she makes home made chocolate. She's awesome.
- I hooked up with my beautiful Julia Gulia last weekend and we hit my fave DC spot, Madam's Organ. It was a lot of fun. We were supposed to maybe go dancing this weekend but OH yeah!!! I have to study for the bar exam! Still haven't seen D but promised a happy hour next week.
- They play my fave dancehall reggae jams on the radio here.
- I can see the capitol while driving down the street.
- On Memorial Day, I put on my navy sundress with white polka dots and took myself out to breakfast at a little sidewalk cafe before catching the metro down to Arlington National Cemetary where I walked around looking so cute and eyeing the hottie Marines in their dress uniforms and paying my respects when I bumped into none other than Donald Rumsfeld. No shit. I was close enough to touch him. This one dude was like "you can get a picture with him," and I was like "I don't want a picture with him." I took a video though, because I didn't think my friends from home would believe me.
- I miss Florida, but not too much yet. DC is just so fucking cool, and hot enough to be Florida. I miss my mama, though, and my missmo and all my Florida friends. I miss them tons. I wish they could all move up here. But not til late July when I'm done with the bar.

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