I never do two in one day, but I was just sitting here in my office, working on some very unimportant legal issue, when my mind started drifting to my visit to my hometown last Christmas, and my blood started boiling.
We went to this bar called Jack's, where I ran into not one, not two, but three girls that I was friends with in high school whom I hadn't seen in years. The first one I didn't really talk to. But I was really excited to see the other two, and really drunk, so I pretty much jumped in their laps. The three of us were part of the same little clique, and so we started reminiscing and talking about others who were in our clique when I mentioned that one of the girls was going to community college in Gainesville the same time that I started college at UF. I ran into her, we exchanged numbers, and we hung out a few times during my undergrad days, but then she kind of blew me off. I didn't really like her that much this time around anyway, because she seemed like a pretentious rich-girl snob that I wouldn't really bother with if she hadn't been one of my VERY first friends in Florida.* Anyway, we kind of lost touch, or rather, she started blowing me off, so we didn't really hang out after that, until one day I ran into her on the street during my first year of law school (I believe she was still in community college). We exchanged numbers again, and I called her a few times and invited her out, but she blew me off each time, something like she didn't want to go to a law school party.** So then I was like "fuck 'er," and that was that.
*As an aside, I moved to Florida when I was 13, and I met this girl and some other people. I desperately wanted to fit in and be cool like them, so when one day shortly after I moved down there, they handed me a leafy green substance and told me it was pot and I should smoke it, I gladly agreed. I smoked it and I didn't feel any different, but I couldn't let on like I wasn't cool like them, so I pretended to be high. Then they told me it wasn't really pot and they knew I was faking. I was humiliated. Some friends, huh?
**As another aside, I think she was just jealous because she was so proud of herself when we hung out when I was an undergrad because she was dating a law student. Then I was a law student. And law school parties turned out to be the best parties EVER.
So I ran into these two girls last year, and because I was drunk, and because we were talking about former members of the clique, I said how the girl in Gainesville was such a bitch because she never returned my calls. So why did one of the girls turn around all of the sudden and be like "Don't hate. You disappointed a lot of your friends in high school." Therefore implying, I don't know, that my behavior as a rebellous 15-year-old somehow reflects on my character as an adult? That I'll always be that wild child and am therefore not worthy of their friendship?
But it wasn't just her words. It was the way she said it. With like a look of disdain and a whole lotta indignation in her voice.
The more I think about it, the more mad I get. So here's to you, Old Middle/High School Friend that I Ran Into at Jack's Last Year - GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!! What the fuck are you doing with your life nowadays? Working at the mall? Oh. Because me? I'm fucking doin' it as a LAWYER in DC. Turns out being a rebellious 15-year-old has its perks.
Friday, November 17, 2006
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