Monday, January 8, 2007

this month's "jugs" centerfold: the sexy entrepreneur

This weekend, I went up to beautiful Deep Creek Lake, Maryland with five fantastic friends to celebrate the infamous D.H.'s birthday. The celebration consisted of chicken soft tacos, coronas, bacardi, cheesecake, a marriage proposal (D.H. + P.C. = 2 lovas 2getha 4eva!), and board games. One of the board games we played was called "True Colors." Basically, you read a question off a card like "Which player is most likely to be behind in his or her bills?" or "Which player has the worst road rage?" and then you supposedly find out what all your friends really think of you. We didn't play the way the directions said to, because we're cool like that, and instead just read the question out loud, and whoever had the most votes "won" the card. I won two.
1. Which player would be the best candidate for the Apprentice?
2. Which player would be most likely to pose nude for a centerfold?
I was quite pleased with the results.

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