Friday, April 27, 2007

great key west moment

Scene: Four rounds and one shot into the evening, talking to some local douchebag at the side bar at Sloppy Joe's.

Curly Girl (to local douchebag): I mean, you all have a need for criminal defense attorneys here, right? I mean, don't you all get DUIs all the time? Possession? Assault and battery? Need a little representation?

Missmo (to Curly Girl): Okay, Miranda.

Curly Girl (to Missmo): Whatever, Samantha.

EDIT: It has occurred to me that some of you may not get the allusion here. In Sex and the City Episode 13, entitled "Take Me Out to the Ballgame," the girls go to a Yankees game at Miranda's behest. After the game, they hang out aroudn the locker room so that Miranda can get an autograph, and lo and behold, the new super hot Yankee walks by. So the girls get to meet New Super Hot Yankee, and here is how Miranda introduces herself: "Hi, I'm Miranda. I'm a lawyer." And New Super Hot Yankee goes "Are you gonna sue me?" And then Miranda just kind of smiles and stares blankly for a minute and then goes "No. I don't know why I just said that." So haha. That's the joke. Except that Local Douchebag was far from Super Hot, and I was mentioning the law stuff not because I was trying to impress him, but because four rounds and one shot into the evening, I was seriously contemplating moving to Key West and opening shop.

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