Saturday, April 7, 2007

really weird dreams i had last night

1. I decided that I don't like this guy with whom a small romance is potentially/hopefully blooming in real life. The reason being that I brought him to my house and he met Jane. When he left, Jane informed me that he used to date her former roommate, who weighs about 275 pounds in real life and in real life used to lock herself in her room and not come out for months at a time. So I decided not to pursue it because it was then obvious to me that he had a big girl fetish, and I did not want to be the big girl.

2. I was unable to go on my Florida vacation because I ran into my friend from middle school, Catherine Almquist, and she had become the guardian of all her brothers and sisters for some reason, so I spent all my money on food and wine that I purchased at a bar, and gave them to her and her siblings. In real life, she was the second to youngest, and even the youngest is grown by now. And why I would buy them wine is beyond me.

My interpretation: I am a generous humanitarian with a body complex and a drinking problem who is loyal to her friends.

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