Thursday, July 13, 2006

on the road again

Goddamn I'm out of shape.

I used to run alot. Like four miles a day, without stopping for a little walk or anything. I'd just get on the treadmill, put my music on and run run run. I loved it. It was such a stress reducer and I'd feel all good about myself when I got off, all sweaty and red and out of breath and shit but feeling like a strong-ass bitch. My ass got all tight and my legs were in the best shape EVER. Then I don't know what happened.

Perhaps it was the stair mill incident, the first time I ever tried the stair mill. I put that shit on 5 and HIT IT...for about five minutes. Next thing I knew, the room started spinning and I felt like I was going to puke or pass the middle of SW Rec (my Gator girls will appreciate how embarassing that would have been). I didn't know that 5 was a high level on the stair mill spectrum of difficulty.

Or perhpas I just traded in the treadmill for the booze my last semester of law school. I just don't know.

Anyway, lately my iPod has been have a different effect on me. Instead of wanting to break it down like the chicks in the Vivrant Thang video in the middle of the metro, I want to RUN. I don't know what it is. The extra stress with the bar coming up or the fact that I no longer make my daily walk to the metro or what. So today I decided to do it. I planned to run the 10 or so blocks up to Pennsylvania Ave and back, which would have been no sweat 10 months ago. not gonna happen. I made it about four and had to stop to walk. Then I ran another two, had to walk one, run one, walk two, run two, walk one. Moreover, my runner girl exercise clothes apparently no longer fit me very well, as I had to keep pulling down my top which was riding up and exposing my belly. I mean, even though I fit right in on H Street, it was still making me uncomfortable.

Gonna hit it again tomorrow. I am now DETERMINED to make it up to Penn and back without stopping to walk. In the meantime, I need a cig.

AND...I miss my Florida friends...terribly...

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