Monday, September 25, 2006

just a whole buncha randomness on a monday afternoon


A woman's t-shirt:
(front) Men are like parking spaces
(back) All the good ones are taken and the ones that are left are handicapped

A homeless man and woman on the sidewalk:
Woman (in old drunk lady tone): Fffffffffuck you.
Man: Fuck you too, bitch!
Woman (again in old drunk lady tone): Fffffffffffuuuuuck you.
Man: Fuck you in your fuck you face. (ß best comeback ever)

Tour bus driver to me: Excuse me. Where's the White House?


I broke up with a friend this weekend. A strictly platonic guy friend. It sucks. We weren't friends for that long, but I thought we were pretty good friends. Turns out it doesn't matter if you are romantically involved or platonically involved – the majority of them will sell you out at the drop of a dime for a big butt and a smile.


Then I have this other one that's kind of a friend, kind of something else. He's great. But the platonic friend who sold me out also made problems for me with the not-so-platonic friend which is making me think that maybe I should just cut it out with the not-so-platonic friend. Does this make sense? No? Good. It's not supposed to. This is the internet, for God's sake.


I'm in trouble. Missmo is coming back this weekend. She can't get enough of the District. Which is what I want to see, because I want her to move up here. Unfortunately, however, I've been on these 7-day work weeks and 3-day going out binges, so I'm just about exhausted, and amazingly, BROKE. I even made a vow yesterday to cut back on the going out. BUT this time, she's coming with the bawsiest of the bawsy, Mr. G. Thompson. He's the man. He's a lot of fun, and let's face it girls, not too hard on the eyes. (He's so gonna read this and have a head the size of Texas.) (Hi, Geoff. Be sure to bring your boxer briefs up here with you because while Missmo gets to watch you run around the house in them all day, Jane and I could really use a little excitement in our house.) So I'm really excited. We're gonna have so much fun.

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